Police Blotter
of the Week
Every week, when I get my hometown paper,
I read the police blotter and laugh out loud!
For those of you who are from large cities,
you must understand that my hometown
is a very small Texas town.
I was amused this week as I received a funny
email from my cousin, Glenda, who also reads
the same hometown paper. This week, she
sent out an email entitled,
Police Blotter of the Week!
What a fantastic idea!
So, I will rely on Glenda's weekly
selection of the funniest item reported
in the police blotter!
Hope you enjoy...
and laugh!
Wednesday, July 8th
8:42 PM.......Caller in the 1400 block of West Elm reported that a bird hit a wall and was unable to fly. Officer went to check out the situation and the bird flew away.
I come to this blog just to look at all the ta-tas!
Maybe I should color a few of them purple...just for you, Cher! :)
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